Thursday, February 18, 2010

Amber Brown Sees Red

Amber Brown Sees Red is written by Paula Danziger. Everything in Amber's life is changing! Her over-active imagination is tricking her brain causes her to see red everywhere. Amber's dad moved to Paris and now every time he comes to visit, her parents end up fighting. Amber gets a haircut and it is so short she doesn't like it! Aunt Pam comes to visit and gives Amber a present. This book is super good! We would recommend this book to anyone whose parents are divorced!

Jenny & Julia


  1. Jehhy & Julia-
    I love hearing about Amber. I think I would like this book because my favorite color is red. Keep reading and writing.

  2. Jenny and Julia - I loved your review! My whole class read it! Thanks for helping to teach us how to write a review! I think I would like that book too!

    =)Mrs. Schubert

  3. jenny and julia,i would like to read this sounds exiting!I JUST LOVE YOUR REVIEW!thanks

  4. awesome blog jenny and julia you dont know me but awesome job =)

  5. I think that you wrote a great review!!!you wrote a spantaculer review!!!
    from jessica=)
